Everwood has become a partner of the project “planting for the future” and commits itself to the reforestation of french forests

Everwood has become a partner of the project “planting for the future” and commits itself to the reforestation of french forests

Everwood has become a partner of the project “planting for the future” and commits itself to the reforestation of french forests 2560 1922 Everwood

What is planting for the future?

Planting for the Future is an endowment fund created in 2014, that has the common objective of reforestation in the context of sustainable management. The fund supports three types of projects: reforestation, environmental education, and research projects.

The goal of Planting for the Future is to revive reforestation in France and to support the French forestry and the wood industry.

Supported by 180 benefactors, Plant for the Future currently supports 303 projects throughout France and works in collaboration with a network of professionals made up of forestry experts, unions, cooperatives and research organisations.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the companies involved, since 2014, 1,880 hectares have been reforested and 2,360,000 trees have been planted.

Everwood has become a partner of planting for the future

Everwood, in accordance with its corporate mission, is committed to reforestation in France and has, as of July, become a partner of Planting for the Future.

Everwood is proud to be part of this initiative, and has thus become a sponsor alongside major groups and institutional players in the sector.


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